The Clockmaker
is the first in an upcoming series of gripping supernatural books by Nottingham based Ceri Williams and Drew Neary. Widowed in World War 2, Annette and her young son face a completely different life as they exchange the devastation of post-blitz London for the slow pace of a small village. The house they have inherited is old, its bones still settling, creaking noises in the dead of night and the murmur of scritch-scritch in the walls. Located outside the village of Lochnagar, it’s been empty for many years. The unfolding of how the Clockmaker made his plans, his meticulous preparations and macabre creations, all builds up to a series of gruesome, horrific murders. These have just one end in view: his release from that which has held him captive for centuries.
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Reviews of the Clockmaker
“Wow. Words cannot begin to describe just how good this book is. I was grabbed within the first couple of pages and was not let go until I finished the whole book. I found the book to be extremely well written”